Monday, May 19, 2014

Blog #13 Memorial Day and paying tribute to...

Good Morning cadets, I hope you had a great weekend with your Park Clean-up and Norwegian Day Parade.  Since we are closing in on our last parade for the season and it is on Memorial, your task this week is to select a Video of Song that pays hommage to those memembers of our Armed Forces that protect our country day and night, 24/7.  Remember to post your link and explain why you chose the video.  You must also comment on at least one of your peer's work for full credit.  Good luck and here is your video this week.



    1. I chose this video because it shows how heart broken families and friends are when they find out there love ones are KIA (killed in action). People are forgetting that memorial day is not a day for school closing and sleeping in late. Memorial day is a day to remember soldiers who made sacrifice to make sure that there isn't a war happening on the other side of the world every 1-5 years and to for every US citizen to have there freedom. Also for those who say that the military is stupid and etc.. I wish they could rethink those ignorant thoughts when Memorial day comes.

    2. LinK4
      I watched the video and yes I do believe this video displays the sacrifices veterans have made and how much the family's suffer from these sacrifices. However your comments past that is irrelevant to the video you have linked. The civilians that you believe is ignorant and/or stupid will never understand or rethink anything so they should simply be ignored as they refuse to learn.

    3. I agree with you both. Sadly, the person that made the remarks will only complain when they need to be saved by the military to protect their direct freedom and then will they give thanks that is due.

  2. LinK4
    I chose this video because it shows how veterans throughout history have fought to preserve freedom and to protect their loved ones. In the beginning it shows how the people have had the freedom and audacity to disrespect veterans who fought so the weak don't have to. Although this video is more appropriate for Veteran's day rather than Memorial day it still proves my point.

    1. Your choice of video's is excellent and this is the first time that I have seen this video. I am proud that you posted it and I hope that all of our cadets get a chance to watch this moving tribute. Thanks for your caring and hard work with the program.

    2. I agree I never seen a video like that before thanks for posting that link up or else I would have never discovered it.

    3. This is an incredible video. The youth of this century are becoming more and more oblivious to the fact that there are people out there who are struggling to retain their safety and freedom. There appears to be this notion that the military is merely for the belligerent. We should keep in mind though that soldiers are not just peacekeepers, but heroes as well.

    4. this video is awesome. young people today should know about their country and how others fought for their freedom and safety. the quote "all gave some, some gave all" is very powerful as long as someone contribute something our country will be united and protected from foreign countries.

    5. I saw this video and I loved it. It is true that many of our young people today don't know much about the risks and braveness these men go through to give us freedom. I found this video very appropriate for this occasion and thanks to our soldiers for there service.

  3. GuivesesZ4

    I chose this video for the lyrics precisely capture the purpose of soldiers in the US. Even when knowing the possible repercussions of drafting in the military, brave heroes sacrifice some of the most basic liberties in life in order to fight for those of other citizens. They undergo strenuous training solely for the purpose of upholding a piece of text—the Constitution of the United States. Moreover, the choice of having children sing the song implies that people of all ages are aware of the significance of the Armed Forces.

  4. YangZ

    I chose this video because it show me the life of a soldier and what they have to face when they are at war. they have to see innocent civilians die and your pal being shot down and still have to go on to fight enemies. the songs lyrics sung out how the soldiers felt when they are at war, they want to go home and be with their family but not all are lucky because they sacrifice for their country and future generations.

    1. Seeing the lives of soldiers really opens up our eyes. We see more then just a human being, we see a leader put his life on the line for defending his country

    This video is about the everyday life of our soliders. Everything they do to get us freedom. 24/7 these amazing brave people are fighting for us to give us the gift of freedom. This memorial day we shall thank all our solider past, present, and future for all the work they do for us. Thank you for your service.

  6. Yangc5

    This song really makes you think and remember about those Who fought first us. They are all a hero. Each and Everyone of them. The lyrics of the song is more than just words. It means something special. Like cadet Juarez says "thank you for your service"


    this song is really inspirational, because you hear that person talking with so much feelings. He speaks in a loud voice so that he can prove his point, and it is "United We Stand". For soldiers, one of their 7 army values is selfless service, the ability to put the lives of others before yours. Soldiers sacrifice their lives for other fellow soldiers because they know that the end of the day they would do the same for them

    1. Knowing thousands of soldiers have died for us and put our lives first to have freedom is truly something to be grateful for.

    I chose this video because it shows the sacrifices that soldiers have made for our country. The video shows bits and clips of that have taken place to honor and show respect for fallen soldiers that have died in the line of duty. The video also shows the folded American flag which is given to the soldiers family. This video made me more appreciated of what our soldiers do for us.

  9. LomtevasD5

    I chose this video because Taps is one of if not the most memorable song that represents the military. The video shows US military band members playing Taps. Taps is played during military funerals and is an iconic song of the military.

    1. Thanks Cadet, a very fitting video to honor all of those that gave their lives on Memorial Day.

    i chose this video because it shows the purpose on why our soldiers fight in war. It is not for having a uniform but for what we are today, for our freedom that we have. They fought for us. It shows how much we need to appreciate our veterans. For those who died for us years and years ago. They put our lives before theirs.

    1. I agree many people will just walk right pass a veteran and not say thank you not even a head bow to show honor. If they would not have fought we Americans would not be free today.


    I chose this video because it gives background information on why Memorial Day is celebrated. The video also includes soldiers and others, explaining Memorial Day in their own words and their own personal stories of people they know who had passed away in battle. It shows us that these brave men and women have fought to protect us civilians and to honor their country. The sacrifice they have made shows us the great valor they had.
    We see that these people are so dedicated to their country from the start of this nation to the present day. They don't even need to put their own health or life at risk, yet they do this on a daily basis. This shows us as cadets the valor, bravery and fourteen leadership traits that we should use in our daily lives, even if we do not wish to pursue a career in the military.

    I chose this video because it shows all of the sacrifices and the traditions of what memorial day is actually about,the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and if not we may not even be here today.
    These traditions have gotten stronger throughout the years and its so great to see how this country strived to become how great it is.Remembering veterans and loved ones who have passed away.Great to see everyone make a giant impact to show all the contributions of these solders losing their lives defending liberty

    I chose this video because the music is sign of respect for all those who have fought for our freedom. this video is very touching and i give my respects to those who have severed for our country to make it a better place.The soldiers that have passed away are now in a better place it is because of them we live in better place

    I chose this video because all the men and woman that fought in 45 the battle or bulge , WW II are the soldiers that truly fought for our freedom. They are the reason to as of why we Americans are free. We should always show respect when we see a veteran. It's also very sad because not all of those that fought made it home. Therefore if you see a veteran just say thank you.
