Monday, December 29, 2014

Blog #11 Happy New Years Resolution

Here's hoping that you had a Very Merry Holiday/Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year. Your task this week is to post one Goal/Resolution that you plan on achieving in the first 6 months of 2015.  You must be specific and an your must give details on how you will achieve this goal. Don't give a simple goal such as passing all of my classes or saying you want to graduate to your next LET level.  Put some thought into this goal because you are going to be writing an essay about this goal on your Semester Final. Being forwarned is being forarmed. You now have an absolute reason to complete this assignment. Remember to post a URL/Video that is related to your goal thtat will help motivate you in your quest and also comment on at least one of your peer's work as well.  Regards and together we can make 2015 a better year for everyone's future.

1. Make resolutions. People who make them are ten times more likely to achieve them (Norcross, Mrykalo & Blagys, 2002)
2. Be realistic. You are not Superman. Reflect on what you have tried in the past, what has worked, and has not worked. If you have succeeded whenever you made a short list of goals, then make a short list. If you know you forget your goals in February, set a reminder in you Calendar App to rewrite you resolutions at 9AM ever first of the month.
3. Be practical. Making a New Year's Resolution to get into shape is not going to help anyone. Make a resolution instead to go the gym every other day, or to go for 30 minute walks every morning. Make your daily tasks concrete and measurable so you can clearly see what you did and did not do.
4. Be accountable. Tell other people what you're hoping to accomplish. Choose people who care about you and will support your efforts in achieving your goals. Let them know you would appreciate their support and their checking in with you to see how you are doing every once in a while. Sign up for something. When you sign up, it's hard not to show up, and a deadline can do wonders for motivation.
5. Be patient. Heed the wisdom of an old Daoist saying: "A thousand mile journey begins with one step." Note that it doesn't say, "A thousand mile journey is complete in one step," or "in one day," or "before you know it." The Daosists were mystics, but they were idealists. Take yourself at a pace you know you will keep up with, and try to break any World Records. Even one step every day amounts to seven steps in a week.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Blog #10 Self-analysis, my weakest Leadership Trait is...

Cadets, your work posted about your Best Trait was interesting. Since it is easier to find something good about ourselves, it is also much harder to find something with ourselves that needs to be improved or worked on.  You must select what you think is your weakest trait and how you intend to improve on that trait along with posting a URL article or video about your trait. Once you have posted your work, remember to comment on one of your peers work and then you will be finished for this weeks assignment.  Here is one of the traits that I can always use to work on which is my Endurance.  Here is a video that shows all 14 Leadership Traits and I hope you enjoy it

Monday, December 8, 2014

Blog #9 Which of the 14 Leadership Traits is your strongest?

Great job on your videos and leaders last week.  Here is your chance to use one of the 14 Leadership Traits that best describes your strongest trait. Explain why you feel this trait is important and how is is your best asset.  Once you select your best trait, post a URL link for a story displaying the trait that you selected or a video. When you have completed this task, remember to post a comment on your at least one of your peers.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work.  I personally feel that my strongest trait is Dependability as is demonstrated by my 24 years of Military Service and my 20 years of teaching JROTC.,  Here is my video on dependability:

Monday, December 1, 2014

Blog #8 Who's your favorite leader and why?

Good Morning Cadets: Your task this week since we have been learning about leadership traits is to post whom you believe is an exceptional leader and post why you chose them. You must then post a URL link for a story or video about the person that you chose. Remember to comment on at least one of your peers work.  Good luck and I look forward to reading your posts. Here is the person that I feel is an exceptional leader. I served with this person and saw his work first hand, he should have been the first African-American President of the United States. He fought hard and served his country on numerous occassions.  Here is his video: