Monday, December 29, 2014

Blog #11 Happy New Years Resolution

Here's hoping that you had a Very Merry Holiday/Christmas and wishing you a Happy New Year. Your task this week is to post one Goal/Resolution that you plan on achieving in the first 6 months of 2015.  You must be specific and an your must give details on how you will achieve this goal. Don't give a simple goal such as passing all of my classes or saying you want to graduate to your next LET level.  Put some thought into this goal because you are going to be writing an essay about this goal on your Semester Final. Being forwarned is being forarmed. You now have an absolute reason to complete this assignment. Remember to post a URL/Video that is related to your goal thtat will help motivate you in your quest and also comment on at least one of your peer's work as well.  Regards and together we can make 2015 a better year for everyone's future.

1. Make resolutions. People who make them are ten times more likely to achieve them (Norcross, Mrykalo & Blagys, 2002)
2. Be realistic. You are not Superman. Reflect on what you have tried in the past, what has worked, and has not worked. If you have succeeded whenever you made a short list of goals, then make a short list. If you know you forget your goals in February, set a reminder in you Calendar App to rewrite you resolutions at 9AM ever first of the month.
3. Be practical. Making a New Year's Resolution to get into shape is not going to help anyone. Make a resolution instead to go the gym every other day, or to go for 30 minute walks every morning. Make your daily tasks concrete and measurable so you can clearly see what you did and did not do.
4. Be accountable. Tell other people what you're hoping to accomplish. Choose people who care about you and will support your efforts in achieving your goals. Let them know you would appreciate their support and their checking in with you to see how you are doing every once in a while. Sign up for something. When you sign up, it's hard not to show up, and a deadline can do wonders for motivation.
5. Be patient. Heed the wisdom of an old Daoist saying: "A thousand mile journey begins with one step." Note that it doesn't say, "A thousand mile journey is complete in one step," or "in one day," or "before you know it." The Daosists were mystics, but they were idealists. Take yourself at a pace you know you will keep up with, and try to break any World Records. Even one step every day amounts to seven steps in a week.


  1. sand5

    My new years resolution is to win the Shakespeare contest at school because that will look good towards my college transcript as well as my acting resume and that is what I ultimately want to pursue.

    This is a video of the first place winner of the previous year performing a monologue. I am inspired by him and aspire to be as talented as he Is while performing his monologue.

    1. SanI5
      I think this is a good New Years resolution because you want it for your college transcript. Also my New Years resolution has to do with going to college as well and doing good in school. I hope you win the contest.

  2. SanI5
    My New Years resolution is to have 90s and above in all my classes and keep it up for the rest of the year. The last marking period I had mostly 90s except for two classes, therefore for the next marking period I want to have 90s and above in all my classes. I would like to achieve this because I like making myself and my mom proud about my grades. Also because I want to succeed in school and go to a good college. I will achieve this by taking good notes in class, studying for all my tests, participating in class everyday, asking questions, and doing my daily homework.
    The link below gives tips on how to have good grades:

  3. MunV5
    My New Years resolution for 2015 is to get better grades in especially Geometry and Chemistry. I struggle in both of those subjects but I hope that I get higher grades because I will try a lot harder to do better. I will definitely go to any tutoring there is, ask the teachers for help, or even classmates who understand when I don't. Also, I hope to pass all my exams with a higher grade than what I got last year to increase my average and make my parents proud. I will try to do as most community service there is to help others and make my college application look better. This video describes why education is important and why we should all become someone educated.

    1. I believe that its good that youre planning to go to tutoring and solve your problem. Its good that youre thinking about fixing your grades now before its too late . I hope your plans work and you reach your goal . good luck

  4. MecM5
    My new years resolution is to lose weight . every year I say the same thing and every year I do the same thing , not lose weight . this year I decided to plan out my resolution. I plan on making time to exercise and taking care of my health and body. Three out of the the 7 days of the week , I plan to work out for an hour or two , for a few months to reach my goal of 15 pounds.,,20437260,00.html

  5. I am already starting my resolution, which is not living in the picture others have painted for me. I'm no longer going to hand people the paint brush to make up my life. I have noticed that i'm always listening to what everyone tells me. They say I can't make it or that I am simply not good enough. I don't have to prove anything to anyone but myself. If I say I can make it and I am worth it, then guess what I am. I have fallen so many times and I have wanted to give up so many times but I didn't because, it will show that the picture they have painted for me is the picture I followed. So i say never give up and paint your own picture.

    1. In my opinion this is the best goal out of all the others. its true that you shouldn't let anyone control you or tell you what to do. if you let everyone control you you'll end up with major failure.However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen but as long as it's an ADVICE not an ORDER, the only person that you should always listen to is yourself and yourself only


    This video is not directly related to my goal, but it is definitely a good motivator for me to stay on track to achieve the goal that I have set for myself this year. The sad reality is that most people do not achieve their New Year's goals, and that should be kept in mind in order to make sure you aren't one of those people. My New Year's resolution is to completely stop swearing. It is nobody's fault but mine that I have this bad habit, and as it is very unattractive and unprofessional, it is up to me to quit. I will achieve my goal mainly by thinking extra carefully before I speak to make sure that I do not say anything I'll end up regretting. Another plan of mine is to replace profanity with other words that are much less offensive in everyday conversation.

    1. sand5

      That is a great goal because it is realistic. I respect how you are very self aware and know what you need to improve on as most people dont, i hope you achieve your goal.

  7. My New Years Resolution is to make every day count, I want to be fit and I want to get 90's and above in all my classes. I will start by signing up to the gym and going 5x a week for 1 hour. Also eating healthier.Next for my grades I will start by studying for my tests and being on top of my work. I want to know that each day I made an impact wether its on someones life or myself. I also want to get my permit and my licenses for driving. I want to take more adventures and meet incredible people who will guide me in the right direction and fill me up with positivity. I want to grow mentally and spiritually. I know that this year has amazing things waiting for me and you !:) remember guys we all can change our lives and the world but the change starts with you.
    Odina Eshxanova let 1

    1. LeoA5
      I actually am very impressed on your goals. They are very motivating in my point of view and that's a good way to start out the year.

  8. LeoA5
    My New Years Resolution is to think positive, make people happy and do at least one good thing everyday. Also, I want to pass my Earth science class with at lest a 70-75 because I'm not doing so well but in order to do that I need to work hard. I need to study everyday when I come home for about 20 minutes or so and pass all my exams and go to class.

    1. YouJ5
      I think it is great that you want to be selfless and make other people happy, i also think that it is good to set standards for yourself and what know want you want accomplish.

  9. My new year resolution is to improve my time into JROTC. I want to put more time and effort into the program to improve my chance of being promoted. I want to leave a message into the program and leave the program with a name on my back. I want to be the best in the program and to be significance. I plan of joining more teams and to improve my class in JROTC.

    -Ireneusz Szymborski PD4 LET1

  10. YouJ5
    My new years Resolution is to be able to pass all my classes with a minimum of 90 or above average. I want to be able to pass my tests with high scores and do well academically because I want to someday hopefully go to a good college and do what i want to accomplish in life.

  11. My new year goal is to know what leadership trait did I have and which one did i earn and which ones i need to work on. I want to achieve this goal because it'll help me in J.R.O.T.C.. Hopefully one day i'll earn all of the 14 leadership traits.

  12. LucL4

    one my goals is to improve my soccer skills. I would want to improve my soccer skills because i want to play as a middle and make goals instead just defending . So i will practice hard to change that position , then after maybe ill try to become a foward.

  13. One of my goals is to get 90s in all of my classes. I want to do good in school and have a good career. I want to get good grades in all of my tests. Especially algebra. I'm not doing so good in that class. I will study harder and make index cards to reach my goal.
