This Friday, the 6th of June is the 70th Anniversary of D-Day. The largest mounted amphibious assault ever launched by mankind. We are forever in their debt for the sacrifices that they made to keep mankind free. Here is a video commemorating the 70th Anniversay and gives you a personal point of view about these vets that fought there. You are required to post a similar video or story along with the proper URL as always and commenting on your peers work. Good luck and I hope you enjoy this short video. Please post your own personal thanks to those heroic individuals that fought and served during WWII.
70th Anniversary D-Day remembrance at Normandy
Battlefield Bravery of D-Day Recalled by Vets: Rocco Moretto,89, survived the invasion of Normandy. Video by Debbie Egan-Chin/NY Daily News May 30, 2014
D-Day Story #2 D-Day Story #3 D-Day Story #4 D-Day Story #5
70th Anniversary D-Day remembrance at Normandy
Battlefield Bravery of D-Day Recalled by Vets: Rocco Moretto,89, survived the invasion of Normandy. Video by Debbie Egan-Chin/NY Daily News May 30, 2014
D-Day Story #2 D-Day Story #3 D-Day Story #4 D-Day Story #5
Charlie Wilson, a World War II veteran, makes it a point to inform kids about the sacrifices that he had made to make possible the liberties that people of this generation are enjoying. Having only been 18 on D-Day, Wilson had abandoned his normal life in order to join the first wave of the US 4th Division. For the first time after the combat attack, the veteran is making a visit to France to provide students with a first-hand experience of the historical event.
on the 70th anniversary of D- day the survivors went to visit Normandy on the plane that they jumped from.
After 70 years a veteran is visiting Normandy to visit a fallen soldier that die in front of his eyes. All I can say is that guy is brave. If it were me honestly I wouldn't have the nerve to go back to a place that scarred me for the rest of my life,it would be too much.
ReplyDeleteThis footage that I found on YouTube is one of the original footage in D-day. It shows both sides were preparing for a battle which is not forgotten 70 years later. It amaze me how both sides are willing to fight on the bitter end on which they believe what's right to them.
The most amazing part is that most of the soldiers who had fought in the battle were no older than 25 at the time being. This denotes that they had not a life established behind them yet, still they sought to secure the condition of the nation and the people.
ReplyDeleteThis is a 14 minute video that describes what happen that day.It was a bloody massacre these soldiers will be remmebered for their bravery and courage.
This is a short but great video of 101st Airborne veterans reenacting the event when they parachuted behind enemy lines to support the americans charging the beaches.
This is a documentary film on the survivors of d'day. I really enjoyed this film because it is a very accurate film on what happened on this day. I want to thank all the soldiers that fought on that day for being strong and brave. Although many soldiers unfortunately passed away i still want to thank them for everything it means so much to every one. I also want to thank our soldiers of today because they are also doing every thing they could to help us.
Not everyone is fit to serve our country so the ones that do serve are just amazing. There bravery and sacrifice is truly appreciated.
Saving Private Ryan encapsulated the emotions that come up to mind when D-Day is discussed during the present day. It captured the utter chaos when the Allied forces landed on Normandy so well that it received critical acclaim for the portrayal of D-Day as well as World War 2.
ReplyDeleteI found this documentary on YouTube. I found it to very detailed explanatory.the age of the average man who served was 22 years old. Many did not expect to make it home alive. They told there families they loved them and they they might not make it home which must have been very hard on the families. I am very thankful for all the soldiers who have served our country and to those will serve in the near future.