Monday, January 12, 2015

Blog #13 Cyber Bullying and Karma takes over...

We are almost finished with this semester and since we are learning about Bullying this week, your task is to find an article/news story that is about bullying and post it to our blog. If possible, try to find a story with a positive outcome like the following story. Once you have completed your assignment remember to comment about the story that you posted and make sure that you provide positive feedback on at least one of your peer's work as well. Good luck with this assignment and remember that Cyber Bullying is up to 77% nationwide. Thanks again for your continued hard work for those cadets that participate.



    The article I decided to use was one that shows one of the few proper ways to deal with bullying. Substance Nivens, a current resident of New Jersey, was bullied through most of her middle school life, but she took a different approach to how she would deal with the abuse. Instead of becoming a self-loathing introvert as most kids do, she stayed strong and eventually transferred the negative energy sent towards her into music, with her songs sending messages of peace and love, and if not love then at least acceptance of others. I feel that this story should be a precedent for bullying victims everywhere because most of the time, the bullying problem escalates because the victim doesn't know the proper way to handle it. Just like Nivens did in the article, victims should focus the negativity sent towards them into something helpful and positive, instead of progressing the hatred back to the bully, as so many kids do. What I'm essentially saying is two wrongs don't make a right, and in cases like this above all, revenge is never the right way to go.

    1. in my opinion this is a great solution for bullying. Just stay positive and find a reason for every challenge you'd face to make you strong and get you to where you want to end up.

  2. MechMel5
    in this article bullying had been taken in a different way. while highschool students had been bullying a girl and pulling tricks, her community had been helping her out to make her homecoming night amazing. bullying had been going on forever and will continue to go on. with small acts such as these can make bullies realize that they are worthless and bullying will always be looked down upon.

    1. SanI5
      I think this is a really positive outcome of bullying because the girl was being helped by her community even though she was being bullied. So there was people there who supported her and made that night amazing. Also I agree that these acts make bullied realize that bullying will always be looked down upon.

    2. DomG5
      I agree, bullying sill continue to be a huge problem but with acts of kindness like these we can work towards defeating this problem. Oftentimes we say that bullying doesn't happen as often as people make it seem, but the truth is it does. At school a racist comment here and there will be heard, or a person talking bad about another person to their friend. Bullying happens all around us but we don't acknowledge it because it's not happening to us and we see it as a joke. It's a big problem but perhaps like in this story, we can learn to stand up for each other and disregard the bully.


    The article I decided to use was about a boy who stands up for himself by confronting the whole class. He feels left out because he was diagnosed with autism and people see him as the "target". I believe that every individual that is being bullied should be able to stand up for themselves like Jake. I believe that Jake's action can be a role model for other bullies out there. The hardest thing to do to a bully is to confront them. Jake's courageous action has become a social campaign to stop bullying.

  4. Here is something that I personally find really messed up about people today and religion:
    A story of Leelah Alcorn.
    The suicide note:
    This is about a kid who wanted to change genders, nothing wrong with that imo. Now, what i find really wrong is that Leelah`s parents were Christians who did not tolerate anything but the "Gods Standards" (Straight, Man and Woman). Leelah wanted to change genders from a male to a female, (again, i find that to be alright) but her parents did not let her do it and took her to doctors who were bias and Christian. My whole argument is that Religion is about respecting one another and according to what Ive heard about Religion, is that God loves everyone. I find that people take religion the wrong way and make up their own rules about society and use God as an excuse. Leelah committed suicide on December 28th, 2015, because she was bullied by Religion. ~Aleksander Lesniak, LET1, PD4

    1. Cadet, make sure you put your "LesA4" at the beginning of the article if you want to get credit for your work. You also need to comment on at least one of your peer's work. Thanks and have a great week with your finals.

    2. I've seen a lot about this story on Tumblr and while I believe it's extremely sad that Leelah felt the need to take her own life, I can't say that her situation was entirely hopeless. Leelah had just turned 17. 11 short months and she would be legally an adult and would be free to move away, support herself, express herself as whatever gender, in whatever way she wanted. There have been no reports of abuse in her household, so though she may have been miserable I feel like she had a world of options open to her in the place of suicide. Her death was not a last- ditch effort to free herself from her situation, and it's this reason why her suicide makes me extremely uncomfortable- many people are making her out to be a martyr but she truly did not have to die. Just because her parents used religion as a reason not to accept her life decisions doesn't mean she was doomed to roam the earth without finding someone, Christian or not, who would accept her transition. Religion was not the cause of Leelah's suicide.

  5. SanI5
    In this story an 11 year old boy named Luke created an Internet chat room which was used after school. The kids at his school started using the site as a form of cyber bullying Luke and Luke blamed himself for what was happening and wanted to change schools because he thought that would make things better. He was able to overcome the situation by learning the skills of resilience and encourage. Later on he was able to help one of his friends with the skills that he had learned from bullying.

    1. YouJ5
      There are many bullying problems and a great chunk of it is cyber bullying and they usually don't end well so it is great that this was able to take a positive turn.

  6. As the people who pay attention in class already know, I have a pretty unpopular opinion when it comes to identifying what constitutes bullying, as I think it's a word people tend to throw around a lot. In effect, when we rush to say that excluding somebody (or giving them side-eye or something equally trivial) is "bullying", we diminish the importance of those cases of extreme bullying which actually cause long- term pain to an individual.This video is mainly about a cosmetic tattoo artist named Basma Hameed who color- corrects scar tissue. Her story is so heartwarming and inspirational but I am posting this video not only to share her story but also the story of one of her patients profiled in the video- a girl who was attacked by schoolmates in England and suffered third degree burns over much of her head, face, and upper body. Though we aren't given many details of the attack, the victim, Samira Omar, says that one day a small group of kids from her school dumped scalding hot water over her head which has caused her to lose most of her hair and has left large patches of skin permanently scarred. The video narrator refers to this as a "bullying incident". Now, how is it that we can in good conscience group this horrific crime in the same category as one kid calling another kid fat or making comments on their skin tone? I'm not saying bullying isn't an issue, I just wish people didn't jump on every little issue that goes on in a school and rush to label it as bullying.

    The video is really good, but I'd like to warn all of you that there are a few graphic images showing Samira's injuries and they are quite disturbing to see.
    Exercise discretion and maybe don't watch this if you are easily upset.

    1. sand5

      I agree with you. The word bullying is thrown around and has lost any power in it because of the overuse of it. Just because somebody's feelings were slightly hurt, does not constitute as bullying. It is a life skill that they need to deal with because people will always criticize them and they need to learn how to handle such thing. As for REAL bullying, I think is a problem, however with small incidents like these rising to attention, the real bullying cases are overshadowed.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm fond of the girl for being strong, because she doesn't seem fazed by all the harsh comments. She is a great example for bully victims of how to positively handle bullying and turn it into a positive because if you don't let it affect you then there is no victim and no conflict. I believe that words only have the power that you give them and because she didn't give the haters any power, she was unaffected by their harsh comments.

    Although i don't really perceive what happened to the girl as really bullying and the bullying statistics in America are exaggerated. EVERYBODY has been called names and its not something you can outlaw and its not bullying. Every small incident like this one in particular receives a lot of attention which i think is ridiculous. She got money for simply being overweight and dealing with a few harsh comments that i think every overweight person has gone through. Also the word "fat" is considered an insult and people are offended by it when it is simply a characteristic or physical attribute just like "skinny". Although it may have hurt her feelings, its not something news worthy and its simply exaggerated in my belief which im sure will be unpopular.

    heres a link to a famous video. this is what i perceive real bullying to be and not just a few harsh comments

  9. PlaC5

    this article is about a 12 year old girl that gets bullied during school and then when she gets home, she gets bullied on social network.The bullies say things like "if you havent killed yourself already then please just die". They also threaten to jump her. Her mother is aware of this so she changes her daughters school, but the thing about social media is that you cant get away from it. So they even started to bully her at her other school.The young girl had other social media accounts such as Kik and instagram. Her mother only knew that she was getting bullied on facebook. The young girl couldnt take it anymore so she text her friend "im dead. im jumping". She then climbed on a concrete factory and jumped off. This teaches people that even if its a joke to you it is not a joke to the person that is getting bullied.The girl was only 12 years old she should be making friends and having fun not thinking about committing suicide.In this video it also says how school officials didnt do anything. Bullying should be taken more seriously than people take it now. It took till she died for people to do something. Even though the bullies were sent to jail if the school did there job callled there parents suspended them or even brought them to the police then maybe that 12 year old girl would still be alive.

  10. In this article the situation is pretty rare because in this case the Luke thinks that he'the one who's causing bully because of the chat room he made that people started writing hurtful things in. you can read the rest of the story at :-

  11. DomG5
    This young lady was brave and stood up for herself, and she was lucky enough to have people back her up. Not everyone who gets bullied gets this kind of support. So she was very fortunate. This story isn't really similar, it is very different actually. But it is about a young boy who was bullied so bad he ended up in the hospital, and his mother, instead of letting her anger take over, decided to do something positive instead.

  12. CanM5

    This young lady was completely positive about the whole thing. She let the cyber bullies know that she is strong and will stand up for herself. This is a rear case cause she had people backing her up, this doesn't happen everyday. At times us young people fall apart because of bullies, but if we could help to build the strength together we could help one another get through.
