Thursday, May 19, 2016

Blog #23 The Holocaust and WWII, what stories did you find.

Cadets, since we are learning about the Holocaust during WWII as well over the next couple of days, I hope you have learned something from the video in class that is a personal survivor's story.  There is the link for the story in case you did not get to complete the movie on Thursday and Friday.  Once you have viewed the video, post your thoughts here to our site and also find a Holocaust related story of your own to post to our site. Comment on your peer's work and I can't wait to see what you have accomplished while we are on our Washington D.C. trip.  Here is the video:


  1. Knowles. J PD4
    This holocaust story is about Eva Mozes Kor and her sister Miriam who were prisoners and also were imprisoned in Auschwitz just like in the video. This video tells about how she had to survive and what experiments they did to her.

    1. Petrillo. M PD5
      This very similar to the video in class with the two sisters in Auschwitz.

    2. Galdamez karla

      I agree with payroll , it is very similar but good choice I really like the video

  2. Petrillo.M PD5
    Auschwitz seems today impossible and unbelievable. The idea of a death camp where millions of people were treated like animals is so inhuman it is embarrassing that humanity could go so low. This story is about a brave woman who lived in 3 concentrations camps, met Anne Frank and survived a gas

    1. R.Souaidi PD5
      I agree, also I think that it is sad and outrageous that humans could do such a thing to other humans.

    2. Pena,Manuel
      Yea very low and inhuman and Anne Frank is a very famous survivor her diary was a interesting piece of literature.

  3. R.Souaidi PD5
    As I said in my essay, Auschwitz and other concentration camps are arguably one of the darkest and inhuman parts of human history. No living thing, Human, or animal should go threw what the people in those camps lived through.
    this is a site where you can read about people how survived either Auschwitz or other concentration camps.

    1. LEE.P PD5
      I also agree that Auschwitz was one of the darkest parts of human history.




    The Holocaust was a very horrific time in history. Innocent people were being killed just because of their religion.

  7. Feng, Maggie pd.5

  8. Zheng.S pd5
    the video is pretty depressing that the Jews in the German treated inhumane during WW2. The concentration camp were surrounded by the electric wires to prevent people to escape. I saw a cartoon showed in the video that a dog eats better than the Jews people in there. The Jews were struggling by starvation,diseases, coldness,thrashing by the soldiers and hard works. The soldiers can do whatever they want with Jews, shooting them or put them in the gas chambers. fortunately, the German had lose in WW2 and holocaust ended immediately.


      Your summary is a good summary of what the holocaust was about.

  9. LEE.P PD5
    In all honesty the video regarding the reality of the Holocaust surprised me. I realized how little I knew of the experiences of the many Jews who had suffered in the event. Watching the film taught me that the victims of the Holocaust faced much more severe work than I had originally believed.

    1. this video was very shocking for how much work they put in also.

    2. this video was very shocking for how much work they put in i agree thesis horrible

    3. The work conditions were horrible,

  10. Anyone can say how bad they thought concentration camps were, but no one except for actual survivors can tell you how it affected them. in this video a living hell was described by a survivor. this shows you how bad it actually was.

    1. Brito.D PD5
      its crazy how unhuman we can be to one another instead of loving respecting eachother. live in PEACE

    2. we think of humans as the superior race and people that back together, but the holocaust brought me new information about how I was wrong

  11. Brito.D PD5
    in the video we saw in class about the holocaust I learned that once one person gains power and wants to change or get rid of something or someone itll do anything to get it out its way and make other join them. During the holocaust many jews suffered in hands of Hitler and germans.But its amazing how many have saved themselves!

  12. I chose this video because it was so interesting , learning and reflecting on how they were treated back then is very shocking, definitely a tragedy.

  13. Sob. A PD5

    My feelings towards this tradgic time of history is sad. I am completely sad that this was how we treated certain people during those times. It shows hiw humanity is failing as one.

  14. Sob. A PD5

    My feelings towards this tradgic time of history is sad. I am completely sad that this was how we treated certain people during those times. It shows hiw humanity is failing as one.

  15. Pena,Manuel PD 5 Let 1
    I feel that this time in history was very horrific and very inhumane how the Nazis treated other people for being a different race. It's very tragic how many lives were lost and the survivors stories are amazing how they described everything and how they stayed strong through these hard times.

    1. I agree with you that it's in humans how they were treated. No human deserves to be treated that way no matter what.
      Aileen Cabrera let 1 pd4

  16. Pena,Manuel PD 5 Let 1
    I feel that this time in history was very horrific and very inhumane how the Nazis treated other people for being a different race. It's very tragic how many lives were lost and the survivors stories are amazing how they described everything and how they stayed strong through these hard times.

  17. Bronson Zhu period 5
    I have learned how inhumane the the Nazis were and how organized they were in the same time. They killed innocent people inhumane ways and also very efficiently. I was terrified on how cold-hearted they were. I chose this story becuase it was similar to the movie


    During this documentary I learned that not everyone had a choice in the matter of where they went or where they were going to sleep or eat, the simple things in life that we as a society take for granted. We don't think that anything such as this could have happened, but what we don't know is that it already happened, and it happened less than a hundred years ago. We need to spread awareness that something like this isn't entirely impossible, and is more possible than we think

  19. I think that the holocaust was a very tragic time in history. I was amazed how "they had to think like animals" just to survive!

    I found an amazing news article about a holocaust survivor who worked HERE in Fort Hamilton High School!

  20. Galdamez karla pd5

    After reading this story of a holocaust survivor I realize how lucky we are to bee free and to be treated equally regardless our nationality ot religious beliefs

  21. This video is about two sister who were sent to prison , who sustained the holocaust . The video also talks about how They were experiment on . They were in prisoned in auschiwitz .
    Here's some information about the background on the golocasut and when it took place how it started how it ended

  22. Aileen Cabrera let 1 pd :4
    The holocaust was an inhuman time in history. It's so sad that humans would hurt other humans in such terrible ways because what they believe. The Jews were innocent and were killed and tortured in terrible ways. It breaks my heart that they had to go through that and they had nothing but just hope.. After watching this film I've realized how lucky we are to have our freedom and not live how they lived.. They were treated worse than animals and it's terrifying what had to do just to survive..

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