Monday, October 13, 2014

Blog #2 Community Service above and beyond

Good morning Cadets and welcome to your second Blog Assignment. Your task this week is to watch the following video and comment on it's content. Once you have done so, you must find another Story, Video, or New Report that talks about positive Community Service like the story that you just watched. You must post the URL/link to your story. Once you have done this give a brief discription on what the story is about and lastly, you must comment on one of your peer's work.  Good luck as some of you had a great start last week, I hope hope that more get motivated for this assignment. Here is your video.


  1. This video shows that a ticket doesn't solve anything. I could understand the danger, but paying a ticket doesn't solve the issue it just a way of covering it. His job isn't to just give a ticket trying to make a difference and a better outcome of the issue. As of right now cops don't really have any respect, and with officers like this guy that might change.

    1. LeoA5
      I agree with you 100%. Not many cops have respect but you also have to remember not all cops are bad. there are cops out there who are good and we need to open our eyes and see that. But your right this guy might change the way we see cops

    2. SanI5
      I agree with you because I think he made a change, to me this made me see that not all cops are as bad as they seem. Because of the things that have been going on in the news with the cops doing bad things, this made me change my point of view. It showed me that they all aren't the same and that some of them can make a change. This guy noticed that a ticket wasn't going to be the real solution, he had to do something about it. Also I really respect what he did.

  2. LeoA5
    This video was very touching. Never in my life have i seen a police officer go out of his way a buy someone a in need of help a chair for a little girl. Yes, there is a lot of new out there saying that cops aren't good or don't have any respect but not all cops are bad. That's what some people don't understand.

    1. DomG5
      I agree with what you said about most people categorizing police officers as bad people nowadays.. When their job is the complete opposite. And yes there have been a lot of stories recently showing that cops are bad, but there ARE still good cops that actually take their job seriously and care about the people, such as the one in this video.

    2. CruA5
      I agree I believe that more stories like this should appear more on the news then showing the bad side of police officers. It shouldn't be because a few cops abuse their power that every police officers should be stereotyped

  3. SanI5
    This video shows that there is still some helpful people out there. I have a lot of respect for this police officer because he just didn't do his job, but he also helped someone that he didn't know. This shows how the police officer isn't selfish, and is thinking about the people around him. I think there should be more people like this and we could help one another. The women was so thankful because she really needed that, and she really didn't expect him to that, neither did I. Also by him doing this he didn't just benefit her, he benefited himself because he was satisfied by helping her and doing something good. And she benefits from it because she gained something.;_ylt=A0LEV18xa0RUYDEA76dx.9w4

    1. I like the point you made about the policeman also benefiting from helping out that lady- some people call it karma, others call it just a good feeling, but usually those who assist others gain from it too.

  4. DomG5
    I think the act of kindness shown in this video is great. Our society would probably be a better place if all cops acted this way. Not that they should always use money out of their pocket to help out someone so that they don't give them a ticket. I guess it would be enough if every police officer at least THOUGHT the way that the police officer in this video does. Tickets don't help. A lot of families go through financial difficulties such as the woman in the video, and they do not deserve to get a ticket. Tickets would just make matters worse. In this specific scenario, (not having a car seat for a child) it was not the mother's fault that her child did not have a proper car seat. Of course parents want their children to be safe, and surely if they could they'd purchase one. There's a reason for everything, but to MOST cops whatever that reason may be is irrelevant. Their job is to protect people and prevent crime. This police officer is a good example of what a cop should be, he went above and beyond to do his job.
    This article briefly describes an act of kindness which I thought was really touching and relates to this story in a way. Someone went out of their way for the happiness and well being of another. The cop wanted the child to be safe, and this man wanted to make a child happy.

  5. CruzA5
    This video shows the side of police officers that most people don't see.Due to current events most people have a hate towards cops. Instead of bringing more debt to a woman who can barely make ends meet as it is he chose to make her life better my donating a car seat to her. He did it with out wanting an award. Most people nowadays are selfish and do things for themselves. They're people out there that would have given the woman the ticket because she wasn't doing the right thing. This cop chose to protect the life of the child instead of making the moms life worse by giving her more things to pay then she can. this isn't the only cop that protects the people.

  6. RocBonW4
    This video almost made me cry. The police officer was very generous and he cared more about the child than giving the lady a ticket and that is really kind. This video shows that not all police officers are corrupt that some have a heart. it was nice that the police officer didn't want her to pay him back and he understood the woman and her childs situation. Theirs not many police officers that would do such a kind they would just stop you and give you a ticket and leave.

  7. What with the negative ways police officers have been portrayed in the media lately, it's nice to see something that highlights those in the force who are doing right by the general population. Negative stories are so much more sensational and so these small positive stories never seem to get the attention they deserve. It would have taken a lot less energy and effort for this officer to just write the lady a ticket and send her off, but instead he decided to buy her a car seat which not only alleviated a financial burden for the mom but ensured the kid would be safer on future car trips. Good karma for both him and the police force. It's easy to get caught up in the stress and rhythm of everyday life and we often forget to take time to help others. I'm linking a site that allows people to write in about their own experiences helping people out, mainly through volunteering. Some of these stories are very uplifting and show that you don't have to be mother Theresa or head of Amnesty International to make a difference in people's lives.

  8. i agree with mari-carme grimm. they are just like people too people get mad because they are doing their jobs. police officers are humans too. police officers do not just arrest people or give them tickets they do good things too like any other people do. that is just an officer doing something good for a family that is struggling because they barely got any money and he just help her and her family too that is all that he did.

  9. This video expresses a different image for cops then what we imagine them to be. The cop was capable of giving the lady a ticket for not having a csrseat but instead he went out of his way and bought her one instead. Helping people out is a good thing even if you're not to be recognized or awarded for it. Its a good lesson for that person .

  10. I think this video shows a different perspective of cops nowadays. Because now cops are seen as bad and horrible people who can kill without being jailed. This video maybe helped change peoples perspective of cops.
