Saturday, October 4, 2014

Blog #1 SY2014 LET1 Welcome to JROTC. What are your feelings about this video

Welcome to your first assignment in JROTC LET1. Since you like videos, here is one that has a lot of information in it. 1: Watch the video and post if you agree or disagree with the video, why or why not. 2:Whatever your answer, you need to post a link to a WebSite URL that supports your answer. In addition to that, 3: you must then respond back on one of your peer's answers. Remember to be positive and yes, spelling does count. Once you have completed all 3 tasks, you will elligable for a possible score of 100. Good luck and I hope you have fun with this assignment.


  1. SanI5
    In my opinion I agree in everything he said. I agree with him because people now a days spend most of their time watching tv and on their phones. Even I do this and I'm pretty sure a lot of people do. Instead of us doing more productive things and going outside we spend that time using our phones and is basically wasting our time because we could be doing better things. I also agree on how he said that people now a days do what they think is popular rather than doing what is actually right. I feel like people do this because they think they have to fit in with everyone else and be well known instead of doing what is right. Also, a lot of kids don't listen and think they know everything when in reality they don't and they should listen so they could be able to learn and grow as a person instead of trying to show off to their friends. And I think people try changing others so much that they don't focus on themselves to try to be a better person.

    1. Very good response. Your opinion is excellently written, clear and concise. The Web URL Link you posted is good as well. The only thing you need to do now is to respond to another one of your peers work. Kepp up the great work. I look forward to reading your other posts.

  2. SanI5
    I agree with what you think because I'm one of those people that are usually on their phone and most of us are too. And even though we know that social medias waste our time we still use them because we feel like we need them. I also agree on how you said that this can distract us from what is important because whenever I have homework I get distracted easily by my phone and my tv. And also I feel like people now a days just mainly worry about their phone and what's going on. I've gone without my phone a for four days and it actually felt so good that I didn't want to use my phone at all because I was having so much fun without it.

  3. i agree with this video because if everyone started from him/herself no one will ever have to worry about anything else, but the person him/herself. these days everything has became easier because of technology. people will say technology made life easier but that not true, it takes your life away as u become more addicted. but if everyone start to make a change this world will be perfect with all meaning of the world. whats better than being that person who knows that he/she quited all the bad habits.

  4. in my opinion i agree with valk5 in everything he said. Social media is wasting our lives that is true, people take it serious. one fact about these people is that they suffer from peer pressure. because if they didn't they won't really care about what a person would say, do or think regaurding what they're actions are.

  5. I deleted facebook and twitter in January and while it's had it's drawbacks, I am very happy I decided to disconnect. It's a huge temptation to be chatting and checking people' profiles instead of doing homework, and though now I figure out other ways to keep from doing my work at least I'm not procrastinating on facebook.

  6. LeoA5
    i watched the video and i agree with the guy 100%. Social media has taken away the meaning of communication. Many people are forever checking their facebook or instagram while on a date or hanging out with friends. It has to come to a point where you just has to put down your phone and seek reality. Also, yeah there are people who don't act themselves around one another just so that they can fit in. Honestly, just be who you are there are going to be many people in the world who do and don't like you its life.

    1. I agree with you. a majority of our time is spent on social media rather than what actually matters. no one really does anything productive anymore.

  7. LeoA5
    I disagree with you because yes i understand society isn't perfect but if you think about and you look around many people are on their phones half of the time and not communicating with one another and im pretty sure it has happened to you where your talking to someone and they are just on their phone.

  8. Your response is valid in quite a few ways. I liked your link but it needs to lead to a specific topic, not just the website. Keep up the good work and I am glad that you are back in the class.

  9. DomG5
    I believe that he says a lot of things that are true, even within the first minute. "More people want 15 seconds of fame than a lifetime of meaning and purpose because what's popular is more important than what's right." I agree with this statement . Anyone with any kind of social media account would agree. Nowadays, people will do anything for likes because those likes make them feel "famous". He also mentions that 92% of the songs on the radio are about sex, which is very true. Personally I think that's sad and shameful. It give our generation a really bad image. Our culture is what defines our society, music of course is a part of our culture. The fact that popular music today talks about sex and getting high does not speak highly of us. He also says "Our role models today, 60 years ago would have been examples of what not to be." I believe this to also be true. Not only 60 years ago but maybe even 10 or 15 years ago. When my parents watch an award show like the VMA's and they see the performances of artists today they say negative things about them and I can't say I blame them. Not that I'm completely innocent, of course. My phone is always in my hand, it takes away time from focusing on homework or chores or spending time with friends and family. I know it's wrong, yet I know I wouldn't live without it.
    The URL attached leads to a we page that mentions some negative impacts on society today that the internet has caused, including some that I mentioned myself.

  10. DomG5
    I both agree and disagree with what you said. Yes, technology has had positive effects, or at least it is meant to. But the guy in this video indirectly addresses this in a way, by saying "Technology has given us everything we could ever want and at the same time stolen everything we really need.". Technology has helped bring people closer and connect people no matter where they are located. (Hence, "everything we could ever want") But I think it's safe to say that the majority of people who utilize the internet use it for a different purpose, he mentions many negatives and I don't think we can deny that they are true. It is not technology's fault, it is ours for misusing it. However, yes I agree that him saying that the world should end just adds on to the negativity he is emphasizing.

  11. CanM5

    " The world is coming to an end" first quote in this speech. Funny thing is I had said this to some of my friends.Just everyday on the news I have come to notice that something tragic always happens. Which is then mentioned in the quote" We can't live with each other nor with ourselves." Each day is just another day waiting for something crazy to happen. Just to hear that another teacher was fired cause he/she has insulted another kid. To hear that another cop was discharged cause he/she took their power too far. Trying to find the perfect song that speak about life, but instead you found another video that speaks about sex, or how to get things heated with your partner. As mentioned in the video each song on the radio is about sex. Music has lost it's true meaning and value. It no longer touches our hearts but now our skin. To be honest this world is coming to an end. We have lost our ways of living and surviving. We try to hide things to get our way. For example now a days if smack a badge on it gives you the right to do something against the law. But then we're told put your hands or behind your back. Discharged officer, cuffed citizen, but what makes a difference, he has a badge and I got a name.

    1. while I can help but think that you are right, but some part of me thinks " hey this girl is so wrong to the point of no return." while most songs are about sex and around the same topics there are other songs that are not. like for example jazz and so on.

  12. san5

    I agree with the artist in this video because in today's society we are controlled by large corporations, believe the government and politicians tell us and use most of our time in social media. Children are exposed to adult things which corrupt the minds of the youth. Many years ago the context we watch, listen and spend a majority of our time in would be considered inappropriate. together this all depicts that we being brainwashed. Brainwashed by politicians, large corporations, brands, social media etc. We are told what to believe.
    Although technology can spread awareness about issues and bring people closer, that is not what it is used for mostly. A majority of the time is wasted on useless things rather than on doing something productive.

  13. JimZ4
    I agree with Prince Ea, because today's society is screwed up. Everyone is looking at their phones and computers instead of looking up at the sky or nature. Society is lazy, because it is more desirable than doing work. But people don't understand how doing the hard work will yield better results than slacking off. If only if people understood the value of human interactions. They would set laws to ban electronics forever. It's not that technology is bad. It's how it's used.

  14. MunV5
    I agree with Prince Ea because nowadays all people actually do care about are likes, the number of followers, and the number of friends Nowadays they're putting in more effort into becoming famous on social media rather than putting effort i school.Instead of now putting effort into becoming the greater person, they're just putting effort into becoming someone with fame. Moreover, i agree with him because technology has influenced our lives both in a positive and negative way but mostly negatively.

  15. I agree with mari. Social media has been taking over lives. And I think that disconnecting yourself was a good choice. Its very distracting and doesn't let you focus on your school work which can ruin your future

  16. I think this video is a great perspective of the world we have now. I agree with this guy in most of this but if we try we can fix all these problems instead of giving up and letting the world end.
