Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Blog #12 Which Anti-Bullying Poster, Term Project

Hi again cadets and hope you are enjoying your time off from school. As you know, your TERM PROJECT is due on the 8th of January after you return from the holidays.  Your task this time is to post to our blog which venue you are going to follow for your project, either doing it by yourself or doing it with a partner. Remember that you can only have one partner and must post their name on the blog along with yours and your work must be shared equally. Explain why you chose to go single or double as well. Once you have done that, you must post at least one site to our blog that has current anti-bullying information/statistics. Using this information will help your work to be informative and reliable. Remember to comment on at least one of your peer's work as well. Your work must be at least 3 feet by 4 feet is size and contain a minimum of at least 6 facts/statistics.  Your artwork is on you so be creative.  If you turn your work in ahead of time before the 8th of January, 2016, you will receive bonus points. Good luck and I look forward to seeing your finished projects this next year.  


  1. LEE.P LET1 PD5
    I will be doing my project with cadet pvt no insignia Michael Petrillo. We decided to choose each other as partners as our abilities as a team seemed to pair well with one another. Hes more on the informative side and I on the other hand, focused on presentation and overall planning. With all do respect any complaints regarding our choice, feel free to present your ideas.


    1. Juliet Courgis p.d.4December 25, 2015 at 7:08 PM

      People complain about other people's choices for projects too often, but it's good that you're letting people express their opinions regarding your choices.

    2. R. Souaidi LET 1
      I choose the same website as you and Cadet Guzman! What a coincidence.

  2. Zheng.S PD5
    I will work with cadet Wu because we know each other as well.We did the project for Chinese class before. And our house are very close each other so we can have more time together to do the project.

  3. Juliet Courgis p.d.4December 25, 2015 at 7:06 PM

    I'm going to be doing my project alone because I have alot of ideas and I usually become possessive of the project when I'm doing it with someone else. If I do it alone I'll have more of an oppurtunity to express myself creatively.


    This article is about bullying and how it affects people

    1. Brito,D Let:1 Pd:5
      same same, sometimes working with others is a bit hard for me

    2. same with me if i work with others i feel i didnt show my creativity as much as i wanted to

    3. PD 5 LET 1 Manuel Pena
      I agree as doing it by yourself you choose how the project will be or look based on your ideas.

    4. Jenkins.A pd5
      I agree with that but u can learn a lot of things working with others

  4. Brito,D Pd:5 Let:1

    I chose to to work on the project by myself because i like to be independent on this type of works, im able to express myself and the quality of work i can give.


  5. Guzman LET1 PD5
    i will be doing this project alone because i like to do things myself and i like to do many different things during projects.

    I will be doing this project with cadet private Zheng . We are friend and we sit together, our house is not too far from each other. So we decide to do the project together.


  7. R. Souaidi LET 1
    For this project I am going to do it solo because I do not have any other cadet’s info and I will be very busy for a good portion of this vacation. I will be using this site for my info
    http://www.pacer.org/bullying/ .

  8. I am either going to work with Amelia or Myself, I have yet to decide on whether I'd like to be in a group or to work independently. I will be using this site for the project.

  9. Manuel Pena, Let 1, PD 5
    I have chosen to do the project by myself as I have a different style of working and will be busy during the week to work together.

  10. A.Soberanis PD-5

    i will be doing this project by myself because i feel i work better when its just my ideas alone.


  11. http://www.insideedition.com/headlines/13825-teen-makes-anti-bullying-video-to-combat-negativity-online-you-definea

    a teenage girl is making a video about anti bullying and combating against negatively on cyber bullying

  12. Aileen Cabrera pd:4 let 1
    I will be doing my anti-bullying project by myself because I work better by myself. I dislike working with partners or in groups , I get frustrated because I have a different style of working. I get more woke done when I do it myself.

    1. a.ridenour let 1 pd4January 4, 2016 at 6:43 PM

      i myself enjoying with other people but i also like working by myself to be satisfying and helps get the job done because you might want to do it your own way.

  13. a.ridenour let1 pd4January 4, 2016 at 6:41 PM

    I chose to work with Jenna Li. I chose to work with her because i enjoy hanving other peoples opinion on my work. i also like combining ideas to make the project more satisfying for the listener and the person grading. http://www.projectfootsteps.org/anti-bullying/?gclid=Cj0KEQiAzai0BRCs2Yydo8yptuIBEiQAN3_lFvAyYIFDqFjpGts5V0MTj7U_IQIHYgpsRyKQTrkCn_UaAu098P8HAQ
    i chose this article because not only was it about bullying, but it was up to date and shared own opinions.

  14. J.Knowles let1 pd4

    I chose to work solo. I chose to work solo because I feel I work better on my own and I could think of better ideas.
    I chose this because it shows what happens when kids are bullied.


  15. Period 4

    I will choose to work independently. The reason for this is because, when I work with other people, I seem to get, distracted sometimes. Although I'd like to work with someone. But if I do, the chances are I will do half of the work, then leave the other person to do the rest. I feel unconfortable when working only on half of a full project. I will be using this site...

  16. Jenkins.A pd5
    I chose to work with a partner in this project because I like to work with other. Also because u learn a lot of thing when u work with others like how to work will with others and accomplish a task with others.
    The person I chose to work with was Argenis itzcua, he never really experience how it is to be bully so it was great opportunity to show him what bullying is.
    https://youtu.be/Ul7lHVBfGYc/I chose this video because its shows how people should act when they see bullying.

  17. I chose to work by my self because i work better , no one there to get me off guard and stop doing my work . And I'll learn a lot more doing it on my own . http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/independent
