Monday, February 22, 2016

Blog #16 Keeping Safe And Saving A Life

Since we are learning about Life Saving in JROTC, your task this assignment is very easy. Find a humanitarian story about a person that saves another person's life and explain how they managed to save the life. Use your search engines to find an interesting story and remember to post the URL/Website along with your synopsis. Comment on at least one of your peer's work as usual and I hope you enjoy this assignment. Good luck and good hunting.  Here is my video example:


  1. Feng, Maggie Period 5
    The article is about a person named Sanna-Leena Rautanen working in a rural water supply and a sanitation project in Western Nepal. For people in the Western Nepal who don't have access to clean water and environment. They people Rautanen work for help people to be healthy and grow up/older in a safe environment.-With clean water.

    1. Knowles. J PD4
      I like this article because not only is this person saving one life she is saving hundreds of lives.

    2. Lee.P PD5
      I like your article as it demonstrated how Sanna-Leena Rautanen took an extra step in providing the support for those in need.

  2. Knowles.J PD4
    This video is about a officer named deputy Ken Moon who was working at a correctional facility. While he was working a prisoner came to him and began to beat him up. Then out of nowhere fellow prisoners began to charge at the other prisoner and began beating him and managed to save his life. The Deputy made it out with only minor wounds and he and his fellow deputies are grateful to the inmates that helped him.

    1. R. Souaidi PD5
      I like your video because it shows that inmates have feelings and would the right thing at times and are not just brainless monsters like most movies portray them.

    2. Guzman. A PD5
      i like your video because it shows that even though those people who are there are there for a reason. they still are human and will do something to help other human beings who are in need of help or are in danger.

  3. R. Souaidi PD5
    This article is about a Navy veteran, Wesley Autrey how had jumped onto the subway tracks to save Cameron Hollopeter how had fell in after suffering from a seizure, just as a number 1 train pulled into the station. Mr. Autrey had managed to press Mr. Hollopeter down in between the train and the track. I chose this story because Mr. Autrey could have easily just stood their and had been out of harms way, instead he threw him self onto the tracks in front of a moving train to safe a mans life.

    1. Michael Petrillo PD5
      I believe it is truly amazing some one risked for another. This man is a hero jumping in front of danger.

  4. Michael Petrillo PD5

    During a baseball game a player by accident threw his bat toward a fan. The fan a boy was unaware of this because he was on his phone. A man next to the boy stuck out his arm to block the bat.In the images you can see the bat was just inches from the boys face.

  5. Guzman.A PD5
    this article is about a teenage boy that is hancuffed and is getting booked for criminal mischief and burglary, but during the booking the officer slides of his chair and hits his head with another chair and starts writhering and/or moving around viloently on the floor. the teen then jumps into action and calls for help from the other officers. it says in the article that if the rescue took any more time the officer would've died

  6. Lee.P PD5

    As for my humanitarian story I stumbled upon an article about Angelina Jolie. When she was working on her film, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, she noticed the suffering children of Cambodia where she was filming. She acted out of the kindness of her heart and since 2001, she has helped countless refugees and her work has taken her to over thirty countries. She has supplied homes for the refugees as well as providing help for the movement of refugees.

    1. I really liked this article and as Angelina Jolie gave refugees help and not only is she a good humanitarian but also a good actor.
      Pena,Manuel Let 1 PD 5

    2. I find this story extremely touching because they went out of their way to help other people


    this story is about a young woman who helped with the phones and finding lost family members in

    1. in Queensland when a major flood hit

    2. I completely understand this video and I think it's touching that she took risk out of maybe putting herself in danger to save these people from a flood.

  9. S.Zheng pd5
    This articles is one of the saving stories from the Red Cross. The story is about two off-duty lifeguards who are only 15 and 18 and saved little kid from drowning. These two young ladies are recently trained by the Red Cross in CPR, took over on compressions and breathing. It's very important to learn how to save people's life.

  10. I chose this video because it shows that even if you're just a kid you can be a good samaritan and help to save a life. This 17 year old boy saved an officer's life by using an AED without permission and even though it was illegal he saved the officer from dying. This was amazing to me

  11. The story I chose talks about a man named Hamilton who saved some children in a fire. In Georgia three children were trapped in the flames and smoke and he jumped in the window crawled across floor and saved the children until the fire department came to extinguish the fire, this story was very moving as he was just an ordinary person.
    PD 5 Let 1 -Pena,Manuel

    1. I really liked this story because it shows the courage and bravery in people.

  12. Soberanis. Asia-PD.5

    I chose this video because it proves what goes around comes back around. One day, a woman performed CPR on the boy when he was younger because a baseball bat hit him in the chest and his heart stopped breathing. Recently,(the now grown up) boy performed the Heimlich maneuver on the woman and saved her life because she was choking

    1. This is a beautiful come back 💪☺☺☺

    2. This is a beautiful come back 💪☺☺☺

  13. Brito,D Let:1 Pd:5,,20060609,00.html
    I chose this story because it shows how far one can go and risk its own life to save someone else's life.Giving a second chance to live is beautiful 💘

    1. Aileen pd:4 let 1
      I agree with you that it's a beautiful thing how someone puts their life in risk to save someone else's life

  14. Brito,D Let:1 Pd:5,,20060609,00.html
    I chose this story because it shows how far one can go and risk its own life to save someone else's life.Giving a second chance to live is beautiful 💘

  15. Aileen Cabrera pd:4 let1
    I love this video because it has so many stories in one. It shows the humanity in this world . It shows that humanity exists in this hateful world. I love how one person can put their own in danger to save someone else's life. That's a beautiful thing in life... My favorite story in this video was the first one because I loved how the man didn't think of the risk he put himself in when he saved the old man from being killed to pieces by the train..

  16. Galdamez karla pd5
    This story shows how there is still humanity in this harsh world and how sometimes people risk their lives to save others when they are in need .

  17. Galdamez karla pd5
    This story shows how there is still humanity in this harsh world and how sometimes people risk their lives to save others when they are in need .

  18. Andrew Casquete period 4

    In this news article,a person was in the tracks and his foot got stuck. A train was coming, and it hit the brakes but, someone else saved him by jumping on the tracks and dragged him to saftey. The train eveltually stopped but it would've killed the man if it weren't for the hero.
