Monday, February 29, 2016

Blog #17 Push, Pull or Shock

Since we are finishing up with First Aid, your task is to find a story that is related to either the Heimlich Maneuver,  Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation that uses and A.E.D.  All are great life saving methods but most people confuse Mouth to Mouth (Rescue Breathing) and CPR.  Post your story or video to our site, give your synopsis of your story and comment on at least one of your peer's work. Once you have completed these 3 parts ot your task you will be elligable to receive your grade.  Good luck and I look forward to seeing your posts.


  1. Lee.P PD5

    As for my story involving a life saving method that was used on a victim, I decided to choose a story regarding the Heimlich maneuver from three years ago. Todd Frazier at the time was a rookie of the Cincinnati Reds in which he saved a choking victim from choking on a piece of steak. Frazier states that it took approximately two pumps before the choking victim coughed it out. Frazier even stated how he was able to save the victim through the methods he learned in high school.

    1. Great job and you are the first to respond

    2. Great job and you are the first to respond

    3. it's surprising this guy still remembered the Lide saving skills he learned back in high school

    4. its intresting that this man was able to save a person with life saving skill he learned in high school and probably only used on a manikin.also it showed how learing these in high school can help others in the future.


    my story is the story of a woman named Theresa who 48 hours after taking a Cpr course had to perform CPR on a fellow classmate who had collapsed from cardiac arrest

    1. Knowles J. PD4

      That's crazy that she had to use CPR on someone after only taking a CPR course for 2 days.

    2. R. Souaidi
      I find it really lucky that the classmate had a cardiac arrest after Theresa had a course on CPR.

  4. Guzman.A PD5
    my article was about a 17year old girl named Elinor Courson she was having dinner with her family when she saw a man who needed help. she put the CPR skills she learned from summer camp two years ago to help the man. although she hoped and prayed a professional would come to save the man but they didnt so she just kept on until the paramedics arrived.

    1. This is amazing to me that a girl so young that was with her family would think of another so quickly and save his life.

  5. Feng, Maggie period 5
    The short article is about a member of a local police department "Explorer Program for Youth"-Andrew Wilson of Streamwood, Illinois. Who save a girl who was seven-year-old girl and was having a seizure in a pool. Wilson had recently learned about CPR and managed to save a person's life.

  6. Knowles J. PD4
    I decided to find a story that involved Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation. This was about a soccer player who managed save his opponents life using mouth to mouth after he was knocked unconscious.

    1. Michael Petrillo pd5
      It is great when a person helps another. I also love how they are fellow soccer players and ran to save him.

  7. Michael Petrillo pd5
    A man saw a unconscious beat up dog who wasn't breathing. There man ran to the dog and performed mouth to mouth resuscitation. It could have infected the man with viruses. The man may have hurt himself save another living thing.

  8. R. Souaidi
    This article is about an athletic trainer called April Daniels how had saved a 17 year old young man how had collapsed, Daniels saved the teen by using CPR and an AED when he suffered from cardiac arrest.
    I chose this article because Daniels had used to methods to save the teen.

  9. I chose this video because a kid so young was able to help his classmate and this was amazing to me that a child so young could take the initiative to save a life. An 8 year old boy performed the heimlich maneuver on his classmate and saved his life.

    ▶ 0:53

  10. LArv5

    I chose the life saving story of the Heimlich Maneuver. This story is about......Here is the video link.
    Cadet Patrillo, I found your story very interesting and I think that all sports players should know Mouth to Mouth to save one of their friend's life.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Brito,D Let:1 Pd:5
    I chose this because its incredible that people know how to do cpr-mouth to mouth because you never know when you'll use that knowledge to save ones life including your own

    1. I agree with you , that we never know when we'll use it to save someone's life and that's incredible to learn to perform it
      Aileen pd4

  13. Galdamez Karla pd 5
    The story I chose it's about the Heimlich maneuver and it shocks me how someone can save a person's life and how important is for individuals to learn how to perform this life saving methods.

  14. Aileen Cabrera pd4 let 1
    As for my story involving a life saving method that's was used on a victim that suffer a car crash. I decided to pick the method of CPR. I picked this because in school I been learning to perform this method and it is so important for an individual to learn this because it can save someone's life ..

    I picked this Bc it shows cpr and it's a live saving technique . There are 4 reps and 7-8 steps to finish ?

  16. Andrew Casquete period 4

    In this news article, a teenager uses CPR on a boy who got hit in the chest with a baseball, in the middle of the baseball game. He then dropped his bat, turned around and passed out. The teenager then got in and woke him back up using CPR.
