Sunday, April 27, 2014

Blog #9 Winning Colors and what my future may hold

Hi again cadets. Since we are finishing up with your learning styles you have two tasks to post this week. Your first is to explain what your learning style is and your second is to explain which one of the Winning Colors you are associated with for your communications skills. Once you have posted both of these pieces of information, find a video or news story that is related to learning and intelligence skills and post that link to our site. Good luck and we are almost in the last semester. I know you are looking forward to summer camp and I am sure that everyone that is chosen will have a great time. Remember to post your comments on your peer's work as well and don't forget that this weeks uniform wear is on Tuesday due to your school day off this coming Wednesday.


  1. My style of learning is I like to think. When doing an assignment I would like to take my time instead of getting it over with in order to get the best grade. Another way of doing my assignment is I sometimes analyze the assignment to its basic component parts to get a better understanding of the assignment. Lastly when it comes to free style projects such as doing a science fair I am some what creative when it comes to that. The winning colors that is associated with my learning style is the color orange. The reason chose this color is i always keep a postive open mind when doing an assignment, i always want to keep my assignments as a sucess, lastly i want to make my assignments as creative as possible.


    2. I think what First Sergeant is trying to ask is whether you are a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner. Based on the steps you take in doing your assignments, I can infer that you are a visual learner. Also, by orange, do you mean red which denotes adventurer behaviors?

    3. Good work Guiveses, you are right on the money.

  2. GuivesesZ4

    Preferred Learning Style

    Although recent tests I had taken reveal that I am both a visual and auditory learner, I believe myself to be more of the former. This deduction is based on my tendency to zone out whenever another person is talking. So in order for me to absorb information effectively, I need to have written information in front of me. This way, I can simply reread what I had failed to understand, as opposed to listening to a speaker and having no other means of having the lecture be repeated. Something which contradicts this preference of mine, however, is that whenever I am reviewing for an exam I find myself to be learning more when I read the words out loud.

    1. Video:


    2. Interesting video and good advice for visual learners.

  3. GuivesesZ4

    Winning Color

    Taking into account that I am most reliant on my adroitness in planning when facing real life situations, my Winning Color must be green. Whenever I undergo an obstacle without a set of predetermined steps toward success, I am inclined to carrying out duties ineffectively. As unfortunate as it is, I have learned to accept that I lack spontaneity. Therefore, I must think before I do, which I believe is something positive in itself. The words that accurately describe me are "analytical," "thinker," "logical," and "independent." Communication keys associated with my color are "individual freedom," "understand," and "improve. "

  4. YangZ4
    my preferred learning style is visual, I tend to understand thing by seeing it instead of hearing it. but the test I took about 2 weeks ago revealed that I am both visual and auditory learner. although I am majority on both auditory and visual I believe I will do better by learning visually. I like to copy notes more than listening the teacher speak the lesson out because I have a chance of loosing a word that he/ she said and this won't be good. on the other hand copying the note allows me to review it better before a test, which is more helpful to me


    2. Good job yang. I am also a visual learner.

  5. YangZ4
    winning color is green which symbolizes a planner. out of the four different colors I think the color green/ planner represents me the most. it has characteristics such as dream, thinking, logical, and independent. I like to dream a lot and plan out how my future will turn out if I do this thing or that thing. I like working independently because I tend to get more things done and faster, I won't interfere with other people who disagree with me and thing will go out more smoother. I like relying on myself because this is how a person really grows and turn mature.


    2. My winning color is green as well and i completely can relate to you and agree that relying on yourself makes you more mature and responsible! Although we all need friends or people who we can rely on as well, because nothing is wrong with a little bit of help :)


    I am an auditory learner. I find myself having a better time if I hear the teachers speak, and for me thats how I learn better and memorize things the best. My winning color is green which indicates that I am independent, logical and a dreamer. Although i feel as if I am a bit of everything from each 4 different winning colors, but I narrowed it down to green since its characteristics were closer to mine.

    this video will give you tips on the type of learner you are :)

  7. CardenasD4
    I am an auditory learner, i learn better by listening. When i hear my teacher speaking and explaining i find it easier to learn that way then to see the notes we are taking. I can memorize thing better when i say them to myself. My winning color is blue which means im a relater which indicates i get along with people and could work in a team work. And it really does relate to me because i like talking alot to people

  8. I am a visual learner. This suits me because I learn better by seeing things. For example when I need help I ask if they can demonstrate for me. My winning color is blue. This fits me because I love being with people and having a high regard for emotions. Also people are the most important part of my decision making. I care and listen to whatever people have to say.


  9. DiazC4
    I am the brown winning color. The brown winning color is the builder. Bears and bulls represent the brown winning color. As being a builder, I like to lead others and have control. I also like money and power. Many generals in the army are the brown winning color and so is superman.

  10. diaz c4
    I am a visual learner. As being a visual learner, I like to watch others show me what to do and then I copy and follow their steps.

  11. I am a brown winning color. As a brown a few characteristics that comprise a brown or a builder ,they are reliable, prepared, organized. I am an all around learner, i can learn with either type. being a natural leader and having the ability to learn anyway is a very useful skill and i plan to enhance it and using it wisely.

  12. LinK4
    I am green or the planner. As a planner I often do what the name implies, I plan things out and consider outcomes and my goals. I prefer to learn by sight and as such I like to watch what I need to do to complete a task.

  13. I am a green winning color such as the planner. I plan things out before I start such as an essay, it is easier for me to write out my essays when I have a a written plan. I am a visual and kinetic learner. For example , Math i have to be shown how to solve a problem and then i have to practice on my own.
