Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Blog #7 You and your brain, medical advances that truly amaze

Good morning Cadets.  I must admit that I am truly amazed when I read stories like the following. This story from NPR is amazing and truly inspires and give me great hope for our future.  You have two requirements from this assignment. #1 is to watch the video and post your opinions about the video. Once you have done that you must find another related story about the brain online and post the URL / Site. Make sure to give a brief synopis about the story and to also comment on at least one of your peer's work.  #2 is to click on the link that is provided and to take the short test.  Once you have completed this task, you must post your results back to our site.  I hope you have fun and I look forward to seeing your work.

#1: 3D Printer & the brain

#2: Self Assessment


  1. Your Scores:

    Auditory: 10%
    Visual: 50%
    Tactile: 40%
    You are a Visual learner! Check out the information below, or view all of the learning styles.

  2. This video just shows how advanced and modernized our world is becoming today. The three dimensional printer in itself is innovation technology. I wonder what kind of technology doctors will be able to have in the next 20 years. The plastic used for the shell makes me wonder how long it will last and will it cause complications later.

    1. That makes me wonder to about plastic being used for the shell. I think that going to be a problem for the patient in the future. Hopefully the doctors come up with a another material for the shell instead of using plastic.

    2. This video definitely show how amazing our technology are and how helpful it can be.Maybe in the future, we would be able to copy skin so it can completely heal back without having a plastic shell on our head which may look weird in an X-ray.

  3. Your Scores:

    Auditory: 35%
    Visual: 30%
    Tactile: 35%

    1. Hi I don't know who you are, but we have the exactly the same results on the test

  4. The video presented demonstrates the advance and great leap we have had in technology. Accomplishing something as great as a 3D printer was a major step forward, although the capability to print a plastic shell to fill in for bone. In it uncertain how long it will last and any defects that may occur. The thought of what our future may be with all the technology and medical advances astonish me and generate excitement for what is to come.

  5. Your Scores:
    •Auditory: 25%
    •Visual: 40%
    •Tactile: 35%

  6. This video amazes me how far advance we are in technology. Now if someone has fracture their skull they can get a skull transplant. How ever, there are a few flaws in this skull transplant. My thing is how much heat can that plastic take in before it melt into that patients head. But I know this is only just the beginning and Doctors from around the world will perfect this skull transplant within the next 20 years. Just imagine how much cures and treatments will be in the next 20 years

    1. http://www.ucsfhealth.org/conditions/brain_tumor/treatment.html

      This site talk about many treatments on getting rid of brain tumor.

    2. I am pretty sure they took into account the durability of the plastic when it comes to heat. The material they used doesn't look like just any kind of plastic. Besides, the patient probably wouldn't put her head anywhere near a very hot surface.
      I agree that in 20 years time, there will be more breakthroughs much amazing than this.

    3. totally agree . imagine how the future going to be.

  7. GuivesesZ4

    Despite the uncountable advancements in science and technology, medical processes involving the skull are among the least approached fields in medicine. This happens to be so for it surrounds a delicate organ, which, if manipulated, can result to more complications than good. The 3-D printed plastic skull however is a breakthrough which proves that science knows no limits. Now, patients suffering from critical skull problems can be saved with a simple plastic material. I support the standpoint of the US Food and Drug Administration to make this process a standard practice, rather than just an experiment.


    Doctors are often presented with patients who are positive that they can be cured—depending on the illness of course. It took most of them 12 years to attain such skill, so it wouldn't be so farfetched to label them as experts. But even after having gone through a period of studying, taking exams, studying, and taking exams again, they are not spared from failure. This is the case for a brain surgeon who attempted to save a 50-year-old teacher from a tumor, in which he failed miserably. The next time he saw him was 7 years later, and he was "curled into a sad ball on a bed in a nursing home."

  8. GuivesesZ4

    Auditory: 40%
    Visual: 40%
    Tactile: 20%

  9. This video shows us how far science and technology has taken us and what we are capable of doing. The 3D printer is an advanced tool that can help us safe more peoples lives. Although we havent seen anything go wrong yet for now I believe its safe to use. And we should continue trying to print more organs out.
    Your Scores:

    Auditory: 45%
    Visual: 30%
    Tactile: 25%

    1. What an awesome video. Just like I said, you will see so many more advances in your lifetime that I could have ever imagined. This is truly amazing.

    2. I agree it is amazing how technology's has advanced and is continuing to advance.

  10. LinK4
    I thought it was very interesting about the surgery but I was not surprised, ever since the invention of the 3D printer it's been one amazing innovation after another. This printer in the right hands can help alot of people and this will make it so much more convenient as a 3D printer can make anything with a blueprint and the right materials.Your Scores:

    Auditory: 25%
    Visual: 55%
    Tactile: 20%

  11. Auditory: 40%
    Visual: 25%
    Tactile: 35%

  12. Auditory: 25%
    Visual: 30%
    Tactile: 45%

  13. Auditory: 25%
    Visual: 30%
    Tactile: 45%

  14. CDLet14period Hey first Sargent this is a cool video about how technology improved to help people. This is really awesome surgery and what we can accomplish with a lot of new technology. The 3D printer is an advanced tool that's can more doctors to save people lives .

    •Auditory: 45%
    •Visual: 30%
    •Tactile: 25%


  15. i find it amazing how a 3D printer can save someones life .http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/03/tech/innovation/3-d-printing-human-organs/
    Auditory: 25%
    Visual: 20%
    Tactile: 55%

  16. Yangz4
    Auditory: 35%
    Visual: 30%

  17. Auditory: 40%
    Visual: 25%
    Tactile: 35%

  18. I think it is amazing that scientist/doctors are finding new alternatives to saving people's life. I think the was they were able to create a new skull using the 3 d printer is awesome. I hope one day they can use the 3D printer to make organs. It's almost as if the printer ould make anything happen in the medical field. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5SWw_qM6_8I

    1. With their being more options having to do with technology in the medical field more and more lives of people will be saved

  19. JiangJ5
    As the years gone by, technology is upgraded and superior our technologies back then. Using the 3-D printer, it would help change our society and makes it for better and for worse. It can help many people's lives or it would endanger them as one of the cadets in my class said today that guns that were printed can not be detected from the airport which can cause a chaos in the plane.
    3-D printer can be helpful in medical field as it was shown in the video which can help another person's life.

  20. Auditory: 50%
    Visual: 30%

  21. yang4
    the video is very interesting, it shows how a surgeon place a 3-d printed skull to a real brain. the video shows the advancement of science because now surgeons can place a plastic skull to replace a real skull. it is amazing, someday more and more will develop and more people with a damaged or weak skull can be saved.

  22. http://www.livescience.com/41309-brain-surgeons-practice-3d-printing.html

  23. DominguezB5

    The video shows us how technology is stepping up its game by now expanding its limitations, such as the three dimensional printer that was used to print a shell for the patients skull which was putting pressure on their brain which caused loss of hearing and sight. It also seems very scary to think how much us humans are relying on technology more and more each day, to the point where literally we rely on it in order to live.


    Auditory: 50%
    Visual: 20%
    Tactile: 30%

  24. This video is very interesting is shows us about the new technology scientist are coming up with. This is the kind of technology that will change the future and benefit us all.
    My scores for the test were
    Auditory: 10%
    Visual: 30%
    Tactile: 60%
