Friday, May 8, 2015

Blog #22 What emotions does this ellicite from you?

Good morning Cadets.  Here is a video that takes little time to watch but has illicited a large amount of responses.  I don't want you to respond to the YouTube site but post your feelings here on our blog site.  If you agree, post your response, if you disagree, post your response.  Once you have done so, respond to at least one of your peers' work and then post a video/URL for a website that supports your response. Good luck and I look forward to reading your responses.  Here is the video:


  1. We need a natural selection in society, by that i mean animal, no wait, calling her an animal would be taken too lightly, that THING, people like her, should be eradicated from the world. Why is this allowed? I respect all the flags in the world, some more, some less, but i wouldnt step and dance on one. Why is this even a thing? She should be sent out to Iraq and see how long she survives there.
    This gave me trauma.
    Peace the F out.
    Aleksander Lesniak PD4 LET1

    1. Hi Lesniak
      let's talk about your response.
      First of all, it's best not to react to anger with anger. You calling her an animal or a "thing" isn't really going to solve any problems. I mean, none of us are solving any problems by commenting on this blog anyway, but we'll just ignore that for now.
      I agree with what you wrote to a certain extent, because what this woman did was inexcusable. However, we should remember that she's free to express her opinions whatever way she wants, thanks to the terms of the US Constitution. She's obviously very angry, and like I said in my own response, there will always be angry and put- upon people in society.
      The answer, however, isn't to have them be "sent out to Iraq" but rather to listen to their issues and then move on. They can be negative and angry all they want but we don't have to let it affect us. Maybe there is a little bit of truth to whatever argument she has against the US, but people like her should learn that you won't get people to listen by disrespecting the things they love. Like the phrase "you can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar", she needs to realize that she needs facts and intelligent arguments, not swearing and jumping up and down, in order to be heard and respected.

    2. Indeed, but a respect for the flag is something that everyone should have, sure, she can be angry all she wants, but when it comes down to it, "dancing" on the flag of ANY country isnt right, hell, i dont agree with Russians for example, but i would never allow myself to dance or stomp their flag to the ground. Plus, what she is doing is abusing the "freedom of expression".
      In my country, if someone did that with the flag, they would be dead.

    3. sand5

      I think that was quite dramatic and unnecessary. sure she disrespected our nations flag, but she only wounded pride. she didn't physically cause any damage and brought attention upon her cause in a non-violent yet controversial way. think about it, would you have paid any attention to her video if she hadn't stomped on the flag? the fact that she didn't cause any destruction should be respected. at the end of the day the flag devoid of its meaningful representation is simply a piece of cloth. if you think about it from a more simplistic perspective, its less offensive.
      I think your response was quite over dramatic because the fact that she didn't abuse anyone or anything should be respected. just like she didn't have a right to stomp on the flag, you don't have the right to disrespect her. saying she must be "eradicated" from the world for exercising her freedom of speech in a questionable way is ridiculous and it angered me. you're being equally as unreasonable and extreme. death is not the appropriate consequence in this circumstance.

  2. mchristie4
    In my opinion,people should have no right to step on and treat an american flag or any flag the way that the women in the video did. there is no need to treat something so honorable with such disrespect.

  3. mchristie4
    i agree because i don't see why anyone would step on a flag that honors the people that fought for their country and made a difference

  4. Thank goodness that we have freedom of speech in this country. Though some may say that this woman is abusing her freedoms, her inflammatory video might actually be a good thing.
    It's easy to look at her childish stomping and tantrum- throwing and think that she should be stopped (arrested, fired, exiled, anything!) but the calm observer will realize that by posting her video she's actually hurting her own case. By saying how much the US is unfair or oppressive and expressing herself in such an extreme way, she is only highlighting the strengths of the US Constitution, which protects her rights to say what she wants.
    Though many will be offended or outraged by her video, it is important to bear in mind the irony of the situation- a woman going to such extremes to bring attention to an oppressive government which in response lets her just live her life, not doing anything to stop her. It's unfortunate that this woman feels she has been so disadvantaged by her life circumstances that she needs to disrespect so many people, an entire nation, in fact, but the truth is that there will always be hateful, dissatisfied people looking for someone to blame. This video is merely a cry for attention and recognition, and an ill- thought out one at that. However, we can't say that she's wrong for doing what she did, because the laws of the country that she hates so much allow her to express herself however she'd like. We would just hope that in the future she express herself intelligibly, without resorting to such offensive, reactionary measures.
    The link below is a short video with a few famous examples of people who used freedom of speech to make a positive change in society.

  5. Woah I should get extra credit for that response #justsaying

    1. So great that you understand the importance of Freedom of Speech as well as the Irony that is involved as well. It does make me angry when I watch this video and I do believe that there should be a law against it. But until that time happens, then she is protected by the Constitution. Just like we have Freedom of Speech to say what we want to, there are in fact consequences for what we say if it is offensive or instigates harm created by others. Excellent job Cadet Grimm. Now I am sure that you will do great in your field of Intelligence. ;-)

  6. sand5
    the girl is very disrespectful and resembles a child throwing a tantrum. she completely disregarded the fact that people have fought and died to preserve her rights and freedom. In a different country, she wouldn't even be permitted to exit her house without the supervision of another male much less stomp on the national flag. This did provoke the response she desired- controversy and attention. Yet people are talking more about her ignorance rather than her righteous intentions and reasoning behind it, thus the ends not justifying the means. There is, indeed a lot of injustice that goes on in this country likewise to any other country but compared to other nations we are living a life luxury and you must be grateful for that. Just because there is bad in a nation just like good doesn't give her the right to disrespect all the blood sweat and tears that went into developing a nation where people like her can voice their opinions.
    though, I disapprove of her actions and doubt her true intentions I am not nearly as enraged as my peers because she does have the right to express her opinion. At least she did not do so in a riot, injuring innocent individuals or causing damage to government property. Secondly, at least she cares enough to protest against a conflict brewing in the nation unlike most other people her age who simply disregard it and don't care enough to bother to protest. Despite how much I despise her actions , I will at the end of the day respect her for taking a stand. I will always respect nonconformists and upstanders. she may be abusing her freedom of speech but at least she is exercising it.

    1. CanM5

      she is getting the attention she wanted but you should NEVER i repeat NEVER disrespect the flag.

  7. CanM5

    I don't understand what on earth was going through her head. These are the type of people that piss me off, who irritate me. I hate when people disrespect our flag, this flag represents our country, and our freedom. Our freedom has peoples names and blood on it, Soldiers who have fought for us and that freedom. Some people say that she has her rights to do what she wants, yes she does but there is a difference between RIGHTS and RESPECT.

  8. Acopd4
    I found this video highly disrespectful , I understand maybe her mindset is that she wasn't one of the soldiers who fought for our country so it doesn't matter but that doesn't mean that she should disrespect the flag like that, although she wasn't one of them there are many people out there who's father, grandfather did fight for the flag.
