Monday, October 26, 2015

Blog #5 Where do all of these customs come from?

Good day cadets. Since we are studying about Customs and Courtesy's of the Military, your task this week is to try and find a custom of courtesy from our society or your family heritage and post the history that related behind the custom or courtesy. Post your url/site/magazine article to support your own work and make sure you comment on at least one of your peer's work and you will have completed your work this week. Good luck and don't forget your key terms from page 68 that are due on Wednesday the 28th of October as well.




  1. Lee.P LET 1
    For my custom and courtesy portion of my homework, I decided to choose the 25% of my nationality, Portuguese. A large portion of my Portuguese heritage involves the sociability side of the human behavior. For instance the handshake would be the most iconic form of greetings, the handshake as follows is accompanied by direct eye contact and greeting for that specific time of day. As we begin to mature in a manner in age, men begin to hug when greeted and women greet by the kiss of a cheek.

    1. Petrillo Period 5
      Portuguese culture seems interesting like don't give red flowers.

    2. I have some similar customs as well when greeting.
      ~Manuel Pena Pd5

  2. Petrillo Period 5
    I, for customs and courtesy chose my Italian side. The main customs are involved in greeting someone and when you are invited to dinner. Like giving flowers or kissing someone on the cheek.



    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Good custom, its very polite.

  3. Period 5 Let 1 , Manuel Pena
    For customs and courtesy's I chose my Mexican side, there are different customs that are still used today some may be how when we greet .Men give a hand shake ,while women give a kiss in the cheek ,but a man usually kisses a women's cheek when greeting .When addressing someone we try to be formal as to show respect if its a elderly or well known person.

  4. Zheng.S pd5 Let1
    I chose my Chinese side for customs and courtesy. In China, we give the gift to person or family we visit as etiquette. There's some we can't give them as gift. For example, clocks, handkerchiefs or straw sandals,flowers as many Chinese associate these with funerals and death. The packing box cannot be wrap as white, black or blue which seems unlucky for them. Also there's a strange thing is most Chinese may refused the gift around 3 times before they accepted. It doesn't mean they don't want or they don't like the gift. It's just a etiquette.

    1. I forgot to pose the url

    2. R.SOU
      That very interesting especially the fact that you cant give certain gifts or warp said gift in a certain color.

    3. Lee.P p5 Let 1
      I didn't even know that we couldn't wrap[ gifts in black or white. Never really thought about that.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. R.SOU
    I come from Moroccan heritage so all do I am American I do know a lot about Moroccan culture and customs; for example one custom in Morocco and most other Muslim countries is that most businesses will close on Friday around midday (11-3), also most businesses big and small will have a different work schedule on the holy month of Ramadan in which they may open and close at strange times.
    A link to a site with many Moroccan customs.

  6. A.Guzman pd5 Let 1
    i come from a Dominican heritage. and one custom or something that can be considered a custom is that if a person (family member, friend, & etc..) comes to your house or apartment they are usually treated like family and are they try to make them feel welcome and comfortable.meaning that usually you get them what they want so they can feel less nervous.

    1. Hey I'm Ecuadorian and since we're both Hispanic we share the same custom. I agree that someone should always feel welcome when they come over.

  7. link to the information
    this is another link about interesting facts of Dominican customs and courtesies:

  8. Sob.Asia-5
    My heritage comes from Belize and South America. For belize, Belizean cultures only perform certain rituals around Christmastime. The Maya put on "The Deer Dance" to portray the relationship between humanity and nature. For South America,Mashramani, sometimes referred to as "Mash", is usually observed on the 23rd day of February - Guyana's Republic Day - to commemorate the "Birth of the Republic". It is probably the most colourful of all the festivals. There are spectacular costume competitions, float parades, masquerade bands, and dancing in the streets to the accompaniment of steel band music and calypsoes. As at Mashramani, masquerades appear in full glory with "Mother Sally" - a popular figure costumed as an oversized doll - and stilt dancers. There is also street dancing. It is during this period that Guyanese dance throughout the night until the wee hours of dawn and lavishly entertain their friends and loved ones.

  9. Knowles.J Pd4 LET 1

    I come from a Italian heritage and one of the biggest customs in my family is food. Having pasta is one of the biggest customs in my family. It makes up our Italian culture. Family is also another big custom in my family. As Italians we are very close and we have to say connected with each other.

    1. Giancarlo Rodriguez- Let 1- Pd4November 22, 2015 at 8:41 AM

      I also come from an Italian Heritage, we also have pasta (lots of it) and we usually cook it on "sunday dinner"

  10. My family come from china and i am a full blooded Chinese but i was born in america one of the custom of the Chinese are Chinese new year because it kind of the biggest year for us and other stuff some parade in Chinatown etc

  11. Cabrera pd:4 let 1
    I come from Ecuadorian heritage and there's a lot of customs. The most common greeting is a handshake with direct eye contact and a smile.While shaking hands, use the appropriate greeting for the time of day: "buenos dias"(good morning), "buenas tardes" (good afternoon), or "buenas noches" (good evening).A young girl’s 15th birthday is considered a special date and is much celebrated.If invited to an Ecuadorian home, bring flowers, good quality spirits, pastries, imported sweets for the hosts.
    Do not give lilies or marigolds as they are used at funerals.Never arrive on time when invited to a home. Although it may sound strange you should arrive a little later than invited, like 30 -45 minutes late. I'm Ecuadorian and I find it weird ,maybe because I always like to be on time.

    1. I find it interesting that both our cultures have things that are considered bad luck that relate to funerals.

    2. Brito,D Pd:5 Let:5
      We hispanics Are really related and i like how you talk about how turning 15 it's a very special tradition (girls) it's very true and being Hispanic is awesome!

    3. Brito,D Pd:5 Let:5
      We hispanics Are really related and i like how you talk about how turning 15 it's a very special tradition (girls) it's very true and being Hispanic is awesome!

    4. I am Ecuadorian too, theres a courtesy that you hug someone and kiss their right cheek. mostly women do it. Men sometimes do it to women.

  12. I come from an Asian backround and there are many customs. The custom that I find to be the most interesting is the fact that it is bad luck to have white candles on a birthday cake. This, I learned, is because white candles are used at many asian funerals. There is no specific URL or website that represents this custom but here is one that includes a whole bunch of other customs.

  13. Galdamez,k pd5 let1
    i come from a hispanic background , i chose to do my 50% of my heritage/nationality which is Guatemalan , i found very interesting the fact that food is still a very important part of guatemalan's customs and culture , three meals a day is the norm with lunch being the largest.

  14. Galdamez,k pd5 let1
    i come from a hispanic background , i chose to do my 50% of my heritage/nationality which is Guatemalan , i found very interesting the fact that food is still a very important part of guatemalan's customs and culture , three meals a day is the norm with lunch being the largest.

  15. Brito,D Pd:5 Let:1
    So I come from a mexican background and something I find really interesting is the history behind our culture and traditions such as our different type of music and FOOD.But mostly on how respectful we are to our people and how welcome people feel when they visit Mexico.It's Beautiful!

  16. Jenkins,A Pd:5 let:1
    so I come from a Hispanic background since I'm from p.r. and I find how interesting Hispanic people have many different type of cultures and food and how they have an impact on people. I greatly hope people would visit p.r. one day and experience all our different cultures and food.

  17. Jenkins,A ^^^^^^
    this is my website that I found my

  18. Mohamed Ahmar Period 5
    I come from an Arabic heritage, Syrian to be exact. In my culture we are raised to shake men's hands and to kiss girls cheeks as courtesy. We kiss the elderly on their hands as a show of respect.

    1. My cousins and I do that with our elders too.

  19. My family are of many cultures in our nationalities but we mainly used to focus on italy. My grandmother was italian and used to make alot of dishes. A custom was that you could never refuse the food she cooked; it was considered disrespectful.

  20. I chose to do an Irish customs. The Irish are a very simple people and always eat basic meals that are hearty, built around vegetables, meats, and potatos
    ~Cole Meek PD4 LET1

  21. I come from a Hispanic heritage , I'm 100% Puertorican . One of the custom we had was making food like pasteles , rice with beans and more . Another culture for us is dance salsa .

  22. Giancarlo Rodriguez- Let 1- Pd4November 22, 2015 at 8:38 AM

    My main nationality is Italian. We share many customs, but we share a very important one on Christmas Eve. We have the Feast of Seven Fishes. These fishes that we eat are: Baccala, Anchovies, Whiting, Lobster, Clams, and Octopus. We eat 7 fishes because that the number of fish corresponds to the number of days in a week - the time it took Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem. We also pray to Baby Jesus at 12:00, this is just a family tradition.

  23. My nationality is Ecuadorian. There are alot of courtesies in Ecuador, it is the country of "please and thank you" as I feel it is. We greet each other by the hug and "air kiss", usually the women do this. They hug each other and as the do it they kiss eachothers right cheek or "air" kiss it. If you are requesting something you must say "por favor" (please) and if the request is accepted you say "muchas gracias"(thank you). When leaving a resturant you say "buen provecho" ( good eating). There are alot of ways to show that you are ettiquete. I found a link to show where I found the information from

    By: Andrew Casquete P.4
